About Me - And How I Ended Up Building Websites
Hi! My name is Lydia - my family calls me Lyds! I am married with two amazing daughters.
I was born in a tiny country on the west coast of Africa called Sierra Leone - pictured below. My parents migrated when I was a year old and we moved to London, England. For some reason London didn't sit well with me. It could have been the damp weather, but I knew that I had to move. As soon as we could, we decided on the US,, visited on a whim and decided to make it our home. After that we have never looked back!
I have been in the world of education for over ten years and in this time, have grown to love teaching - adults and children alike! It gives me great pleasure to bring understanding to someone who didn't have it before; no matter the setting. Creating an "ah ha" moment about a topic makes every effort worth it for me!
Anyway, I started out in management at a little Montessori pre-school in the UK. We later had the privilege of owning our own daycare center in the USA, where I learned how to deal with children varying from six weeks to twelve years. Yes, that was a steep learning curve!
Well, we sold the daycare and I decided to pursue a Master of Arts in Teaching (Secondary Education), which I am still in the middle of. I have found this to be a life changing experience that has taught me a great deal - some of which I have placed on this site.
I Wanted A Part Time Income!
For years - even before I got into education, I had wanted an additinal source of income. An income that would not require me to work a forty (plus) hour week before I could get a decent amount of money at the end of the month. We had read about it books, heard about it at seminars, met people who claimed to have it - yet it had quite simply, seemed to have evaded us. Well, we tried to get into everything that had promised this 'mythical income' - including real estate, network marketing, computing and of course, the daycare. What I found was that we seemed to be working harder and harder, often doing something that we didn't enjoy that gave us little to no family time and very little flexibility (yes, sometimes being your own boss can be quite grueling). We became a slave to those businesses and (while we are by no means lazy people) we craved for better quality of life!
After having sold the daycare, I took time out to research what could give us the freedom to control our own working time and give us a decent income while doing something that we love. For a moment there, I was beginning to believe that this Utopia didn't exist; that it was a figment of my imagination and that I was simply being idealistic. Maybe I would just have to find a money tree or a goose that lay golden eggs! Maybe I was further removed from the real world than I could care to believe!

I Searched High & Low!
Video Tour
and the video action guide, read the
SBI! case studies
and checked them to see if they were true. I came to realize that almost any topic (some more than others) can make money through a website. Finally, I felt fully convinced that (a) this was something I could do, (b) it was something that I'd enjoy, (c) that it would generate a decent income for me and (d) that if ever I got stuck there was always someone who could
answer my questions.
The latter was a big help to me before I made that first purchase!
Bearing in mind that I had absolutely no knowledge of how to build a website, Solo Build It! held my hand every step of the way.
All I had was a passion for my topic, determination to make it happen and the motivation to keep going. I didn't even have anything to sell! But I learned that there was a part to the internet that many people do not know exists, but once I found out - I was not going to let it go.
"Never be afraid to try something new; remember amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic."
If a total non-geek, who had no website building abilities can build a site like this, then so can you! So what are you waiting for?
Try SBI! They Always Over-Deliver!!